One step closer....

One step closer to a #SafeAndFreeDC

The Eliminating Restrictive and Segregated Enclosures (“ERASE”) Solitary Confinement Act of 2022 ends solitary confinement in the District of Columbia. The D.C. Council’s Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs held a hearing for the ERASE bill on October 20, 2022. The Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety must hold a second hearing.

Fake entry

  • Solitary confinement is the practice of isolating and/or confining a person for 22 hours or more per day. 
  • Isolation is being kept alone with no meaningful human interaction. 
  • Confinement is restricting a person’s mobility by holding them in a limited physical space.
  • The United Nations (UN) defines solitary confinement as torture- -and has stated that using solitary is against international human rights law. 
  • The D.C. Department of Corrections (DOC) uses solitary confinement for many purposes and under many pseudonyms, including administrative segregation, disciplinary segregation, protective custody, medical stay-in-place, and Safe Cells; for children, the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services uses Room Confinement
  • D.C. DOC uses solitary confinement at a rate three times the national average. 
  • People receive food through a slot in the door and have “recreation” alone in an empty cage. Family visitation and essential programs are severely limited or totally denied. 
  • People in solitary confinement often experience sensory deprivation.
  •  Solitary confinement decreases access to medical care and mental health care. 
  • Solitary confinement leads to irreversible psychiatric harm and brain damage and reduces the likelihood of a successful reentry after incarceration. 
  • Solitary increases a person’s likelihood of committing violence. 
  • Solitary confinement decreases community safety and the safety within the DOC. 
  • During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the DOC held 1,500 people confined in their cells for almost 500 days. a #safeandfree DC

Join the Unlock the Box DC Coalition and the UN in demanding a TORTURE-FREE DC.


The DC Council needs to hear your support for the ERASE Bill. 

Send a one-click email or tweet to ask D.C. Council members on the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety to schedule a hearing.

Share your commitment to ending the torture of our neighbors and loved ones inside the DOC. 


The D.C. DOC does not use solitary confinement.
The DOC uses pseudonyms to describe practices whose conditions, by definition, are solitary confinement.
The D.C. Jails only use solitary confinement for the worst of the worst- -a small minority.
A 2015 report documented the DOC’s use of solitary confinement for minor offenses and as retribution when people inside the jails complained of abuse.
The D.C. Jails’ Safe Cells are a therapeutic setting for people experiencing crisis.
The conditions in “safe cells' ' exacerbate mental health crises; the conditions include lights on for 24 hours, no clothing besides a smock and socks, and no mattress or pillows.

Dear DC Legislators,

Pass the ERASE Bill and end solitary confinement in D.C. 


When the D.C. jails use solitary confinement – which they admit to doing at a rate three times the national average – they are torturing almost exclusively Black D.C. residents. Only 41 percent of the D.C. population is Black, but 92.5 percent of D.C.’s jails population is Black, and 98 percent of the children incarcerated in D.C. are Black. To ignore this fact is to ignore Black people’s suffering. 


Solitary confinement does not make the jails and community safer. D.C. residents deserve a justice system that centers our values and safety. Over the last two years, the D.C. jails have made national headlines for terrible conditions, including one of the longest lockdowns in the country, people dying from overdoses, and failing a US Marshals Service inspection. DC needs to invest in safety for all instead of investing in the illusion of safety for some.


End torture in Washington, D.C.

End solitary confinement in Washington, D.C. 

Pass the ERASE Solitary Confinement Act! 

Thank you Councilmember Cheh for introducing ERASE

Ward Three Councilmember Mary Cheh

ERASE Introducer


Chairman Pro Tempore Kenyan R. McDuffie

Co-Sponsor/Ward Five

At-Large Councilmember Anita Bonds

ERASE Co-Sponsor

Ward One Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau

ERASE Co-Sponsor

Ward Four Councilmember Janeese Lewis George

ERASE Co-Sponsor

Ward Eight Councilmember Trayon White, Sr.

Erase Co-Sponsor

Let your voice be heard!  ERASE needs a hearing in the fall of 2022.  Email and tweet at the Councilmembers above, letting them know how important it is that ERASE and its supporters are heard.  We’ve made it easy to get in touch with these legislators- -just click on the email button and we do the rest.


The D.C. Council is holding a hearing on the ERASE Bill on October 20, 2022, and they need to hear from the community to eliminate solitary confinement in D.C.

Sign up to work with DC Justice Lab on testimony! Share your story anonymously or connect with us if you would like to submit your story as a public testimony.



The Unlock the Box DC Coalition is a group of transformative justice advocates working to make DC a safer, more free state. The DC Coalition is part of the Unlock the Box national campaign to end solitary confinement in the United States. The national campaign includes partners from 17 states and DC working to transform incarceration and end the use of solitary confinement nationwide.  

Check out the coalition member’s websites to learn more about other initiatives working to change the criminal legal system in Washington, DC. 


Free Minds Book Club

National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens

Interfaith Action for Human Rights

Harriet's Wildest Dreams

DC Justice Lab

Ship and Anchor

Voices Unbarred

The Festival Center


Free Minds Book Club

National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens

Interfaith Action for Human Rights

Harriet's Wildest Dreams

DC Justice Lab

Voices Unbarred

The Festival Center

Ship and Anchor




